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Montessori Education in a Loving Home Setting

Young Ones provides exceptional one-on-one education, support, and care for children in a small group setting. Each child will have an individualized learning plan focused on meeting the needs of the whole child; academically, socially and emotionally. Within this small group, your child will have the opportunity to work independently as well as collaborate with other children through observation and small group activities.

With over nine years of experience working in Montessori education, I have the expertise to observe and meet children where they are to elevate their skills. I understand the importance of children being independent, confident young leaders who will come to realize their endless potential. I also employ a Montessori-trained assistant allowing me to operate on a 2:10 ratio. I will conduct bi-monthly check-ins with you to let you know what your child has been working on and what skills he/she is progressing toward.




7:30 am - 4:30 pm

Before / After care arranged
on an as-needed basis.

Paid holidays include:
Paid holidays include:
Thanksgiving Day + Day After
Christmas Eve Day + Christmas Day
New Year's Eve 
Memorial Day 
Labor Day 
Independence Day 


Daily Schedule

7:30 – 8:30 Drop off, morning play 

8:30-11:30 morning work cycle 

11:45 – 12:30 Lunch 

12:30 -1:30 Playtime

1:30-3:30 Nap 

1:30 – 3:30 AFTERNOON work cycle 

3:30 – 4:30 PLAYTIME

What's in a
Work Cycle?

A Montessori work cycle is an uninterrupted block of time when children explore a prepared environment and engage with materials of their choosing, giving them opportunities to enjoy the work they love, while cultivating basic life skills. This cycle helps children:

•  Become more independent
•  Strengthen their ability to focus
•  Find joy with the materials
•  Feel deep satisfaction with their work

Children work both independently as well as provided individual and small group lessons led by the teacher. They may work on a table or the floor, with a special rug laid out beneath them. After selecting work from the shelves, they bring it to the workspace of their choosing, and use the material as they have been taught. They know they are responsible for putting the materials back neatly and selecting their next work independently. Great care is taken to not interrupt children, showing them the respect that their exploration deserves. 

I can't wait to help your Young One thrive!


Montessori-Based Principles


self-directed activity





Every material in a Montessori classroom supports an aspect
of child development, creating
a match between the child’s natural interests and the available activities. Children can learn through their own experience and at their own pace. Students are encouraged to advance through a curriculum as they are ready, and the teacher is there to guide them along this individualized learning path.

Montessori students are shown at an early age that they are a part of a caring community. From the start, we want children to identify with their community and take pride in their potential to impact all the communities to which they belong. They learn hands-on life skills that will take them through their life. The Montessori method looks at education as a release of potential from within, not as something being poured in.

Multi-age environments enable younger children to learn from older children and experience new challenges through observation. Older children reinforce their own learning by teaching concepts they have already mastered, while developing leadership skills and serving as role models. Children progress at their own pace, mirroring the real world in which individuals work and socialize with people of all ages and dispositions.


Our daughter developed skills I didn't contemplate for preschoolers, like how to sew, sketch, identify plants & animals, read, write, multiply, resolve conflict, speak up for herself, make friends, and set limits. Brooke knows our child and has become a trusted third party in our parenting.


The environment is beautiful and the kids are engaged and happy as they navigate the work each day. Brooke brings such joy and fun to foster the love of learning in each child! 


Brooke created that perfect balance of structure and compassionate care, and set up our kids for the next steps in their education. Our kids couldn't wait to go to school every morning!


I have been so appreciative of Young Ones in meeting my kids where they're at, while fostering an environment in which they can grow. They've made tremendous gains in their learning and socialization skills since joining.


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